

Welcome to Shenzhen CengFeng Electronics Co., Ltd. !


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The circuit board leads the military industry12 years focus on high-precision circuit pcb, fpc manufacturers

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Shenzhen CengFengElectronics Co., Ltd.

Factory address: Shenzhen City, Baoan District Songgang town Yanchuan Dahua Feijie Science Park 2 4 floor

Telephone: 0755-27247642/27247955
Technical support: Mr. Liu, 13428714088

Fax: 0755-85244605

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Enterprise mission

To customers as the core, focusing on applications and services, for different needs of customers to provide all products and supporting solutions. Helping customers build security and create a better life! For employees to realize their own value to provide challenging opportunities for development, the pursuit of staff and enterprises to grow together, to create the greatest value for society.


Take the professional road leading technology, become the weakness of engineering a leader.

Enterprise commitment

Commitment to become a responsible and active enterprise, to provide customers with the most perfect pre-sale, sale, and after-sales service!

Business philosophy (four)

Innovation is the first, quality is the foundation, marketing is king, service is the winner.

Service tenet:

With the best products, provide the best service, do the best project!

Core values

Honour, duty, service

Quality view

Fine and zero defect

Technical view

Use professional skills to solve problems for customers.

Marketing view

First sell reputation, and then sell products; first friends, after business.

Competition view

Innovation, competition, mutual benefit and win-win situation

View of talents

People-oriented, respect knowledge, respect, respect achievement; everyone is talented, not race horses.

Service view

Your satisfaction is our standard of work; intimate, scientific and standardized.

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