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The circuit board leads the military industry12 years focus on high-precision circuit pcb, fpc manufacturers

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Shenzhen CengFengElectronics Co., Ltd.

Factory address: Shenzhen City, Baoan District Songgang town Yanchuan Dahua Feijie Science Park 2 4 floor

Telephone: 0755-27247642/27247955
Technical support: Mr. Liu, 13428714088

Fax: 0755-85244605

Where are you now?:Home > technical service > Quality assurance Quality assurance

Have a professional quality management team, through pre planning, prevention, monitoring, after improvement, standardization and other comprehensive quality and quality management, to obtain the maximum customer satisfaction.

Through the ISO9001 quality management system (2008) and ISO14001 (2004), GB/T28001-2001 environment, safety management system, the UL product safety certification process; improve the ability of using advanced quality management methods, parameters and quality of laboratory testing equipment to improve the process for the entire monitoring.

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